During the tenure of the KRG's ninth cabinet, eight major dams were completed, with several more projects in progress.
The census also holds political significance, particularly in disputed territories such as Kirkuk and other areas with ...
We seek written sales and lifting agreements, with the Government of Iraq and Kurdistan Regional Government, that provide ...
Mohammed explained that while the suspension of Kurdistan Region oil exports in the past had caused setbacks for the oil ...
The Social Democratic Party (SPD), led by incumbent Chancellor Olaf Scholz, suffered a severe decline, losing 9.7 percentage ...
The committee stated that it has documented more than 2,200 verbal contributions and received over 700 written submissions ...
"We will not allow forces from the HTS organisation or the new Syrian army to enter the area south of Damascus ...
The Kurdish German boxer patiently waited for his moment before delivering a vicious body shot in the sixth round that left ...
Fans of the singer will surely be thrilled by this update, as Asad’s last song, “Are Naze,” was released in 2004, leaving a ...
Observers suggest that if the elections proceed with a multi-district system, the Sadrist movement could secure over 100 ...
They emphasized the importance of maintaining peace, ensuring security, and upholding the rights of all components of Syrian ...
"Turkey lacks the resources to finance Syria’s reconstruction. Therefore, Ankara recognizes the necessity of collaborating ...